The BFG costume ideas


So, The Foo wants to go as the BFG from the book as the same name by Roald Dahl.

After much sniggering from Active Girl “but he’s short !” I ve put together some ideas on polyvore with the idea of making a costume – despite less than a week to do so

Scouring the  charity shops found me an old style vanity case that will be used as the BFG s suitcase and a pair of trousers.  We already have a shirt and hopefully the waistcoat we have fits.

Now onto the Crafty bits…. a hair band and paper plates to make BFG ears and again paper plates and paper to make his dream catcher thingy. ….


Disaster struck when we realised the waistcoat had gone awol but Lee saved the day by making one out of felt we had in the cupboard, he also remade the trumpet thingy for me.

We coloured in the ears using peach chalk and wrote the BFG in glitter glue on the case.


World Book Day 2016 Costume choices


So the daughters choice for world book day this year is The Hobbit –
We both keep forgetting her name which is not a great start 😯

So I played around on polyvore and came up with a concept to start as well as found lots of pins on pinterest regarding cosplay.

I ve ordered elven ears but I will be attempting to make this costume with some craft felt , glitter glue and pound land accessories pimped up .

With less than a week to do it and a running out of craft supplies, this is going to be a race against time ……..

Primark saved the day with an elven green top £3.50 and a pair of brown leggings at £3.00.


When the felt arrived , I made cuffs and we both decorated some elven signs on them with glitter glue.


After dying active girls hair streaky red with wash in wash out hair dye and running out halfway through…..we completed the look by attaching the cuffs to the primark top with double sided sticky tape.


Unfortunately she refused to wear the elven ears I’d specifically bought but teamed up with knee length boots and a bow I really think we rocked this year’s costume !!!!!
